


Daydream-2007 Japan Media Arts Festival



Summary 摘要
A work released on the website of a fabrication brand of headwear, “Weave Toshi” which has shops in Japan and London. There is no button or scroll bar on the screen but a viewer can operate the development of the image by circling the pointer. This work shows a hat, the shape of which is hard to explain, infinitely close as it is to a three dimensional image.

這是一個日本和倫敦都有分店名為“Weave Toshi”的品牌發布在網絡上的關于頭飾的flash作品。除了一個跟隨鼠標的旋轉指針可以用來操作之外,屏幕上沒有任何按鍵和滾動條。作品展示了一頂帽子,這種形式很難描述,它讓我們可以無限地靠近帽子,就像它是三維照片一樣。

Profile 作者
Born in Tokyo, 1977. Has been working on web creation since 1997 and is currently a freelance web designer, using the artist name “qubibi.” He has won prizes at the D & AD Awards, One Show Interactive, and Cannes Lions.

1977年日本出生,自1997年使用“qubibi.” 這個名字從事網頁設計至今,他已經獲得D & AD、One Show、法國戛納廣告節等各類獎項。

Comment 设计说明
The sensations I wanted to create through this work were moisture, lukewarmness, flickering, repetitiveness and dizziness, like a bad dream; the idea of these sensations was always in my mind from the beginning and during the production. I aimed to create an image and sound that burns into people’s minds and sticks in their ears. It was my first work as an independent artist. I am very grateful that the work, which I spent many difficult hours creating, is once more appreciated like this.

